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Find Your Creative Voice with Linda Bard, Life Purpose Mentor

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 Coaching, Mindset & Success, Wisdom/Self-Growth / Posted 3 years ago / 400 views

Are you done with playing around the edges of your life?

Are you past ready for a quantum shift that allows you to see yourself with new eyes?

What door to possibility do you want to kick open?

You know you desire to leave a legacy and to make meaning and money in the world.  How would it feel to really own your gifts in a way that helps and transforms others? To dive deeply into the waters of your being. To live your purpose on your terms.

To discover the divine blueprint of what makes you… YOU!

“I must be a mermaid, I have no fear of depth and a great fear of shallow living ~ Anaïs Nin

I truly believe it is your divine right to be successful and live a life you love.  For 35 years, I’ve been blessed to do just that. Accessing my muse, giving birth to creative expression, being paid what I was worth and NOT having to worry about money. At a certain point though, I knew it wasn’t enough.

I knew I wanted this experience for other gifted, successful women who were on their own seeker’s path or in their own place of transition, whatever that might be.

Could be divorce, could be leaving the corporate world or even an empty nest.

It’s that moment where you stop, catch your breath and actually ask yourself the question, “Am I living someone else’s version of my life?”

And that’s the juicy place for me to go with women who want to Live Deeply.

Yes. You do have a unique LIFE PURPOSE that’s like a golden piece of a cosmic jigsaw puzzle that can’t be completed, unless you pick up YOUR piece and put it into place.  I can help you discover that. And that’s awesome.

But it’s your shadow, what I call your LIFE LESSON, where the real juice is. (Powerlessness. Lack of Self-worth. Trust and Surrender). These show up in your life as stories/circumstances/resistance that you bump into time and again.

This is where we go deep! I’m excited to bring belief clearing to the hand analysis work I do around Life Lessons, which are decoded through a person’s fingerprints. It’s the one-of-a-kind energetic map of the soul contract a person agreed to for this life. But Life Lesson isn’t karma. It’s actually what you signed up to learn more about in this lifetime, by having experiences filtered through that particular lens.

(Btw, my Life Lesson is about Claiming my Passions & Personal Power).  Does it show?

When you identify this resistance, this roadblock and create NEW beliefs and new patterns of responding, it becomes your superpower. It informs the empowering HOW and WHY of your work!  And that’s when things take off.

You are always at choice. I want this to be the year when you choose to give birth to the fullness of yourself and your heart’s desires!  So if you’re serious as hell about manifesting the turning point that changes the way you view yourself and the world, then schedule your: Soul Synergy Breakthrough Call.

You deserve the feeling of confidence, peace and joy that comes from being in alignment with your gifts and purpose.  I’d be honored to be a guide on your journey.

Love & wisdom,


  • Offerings:: Soul Purpose Handprint Map
    Living Deeply Life Purpose Mentoring Program
    Clear Your Beliefs for Entrepreneurs & Thought Leaders
    Stop Holding Your Muse Hostage workshop
    How is Divine Discontent Showing Up in Your Life workshop
  • Primary Business Location Type:: Online/Virtual Only
  • State:: Oregon
  • Your Certifications/Trainings (if applicable):: 35 years as a successful, award-winning Entrepreneur in multiple businesses
    International Institute of Hand Analysis Advanced Certification
    Clear Beliefs Coach
    Sacred Depths Coach
    Doreen Virtue Angel Card Reader
    Studied with: Jean Houston, Jack Canfield, Derek Rydall, Neale Donald Walsch, Elizabeth Purvis & Jean Shinoda Bolen.
    Received the wisdom (and venom) of a diamondback rattlesnake in 2011.
  • Search Keywords:: Abundance/Prosperity, Ancestral Clearing, Author/Writer, Certified Coach, Coaching-Empowerment, Coaching-Executive, Conscious Creation, Courses & Programs, Emotional Mastery, Energy Psychology, Gifts, Hand Analysis, Inner Child, Intuitive Readings, Life Story Work, Manifesting, Metaphysical, Midlife Support, Midlife Support, Personal Growth, Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Stress Management, Visualization, Wounded Child Work
  • Other Keywords:: Belief Clearing
    Coaching - Life Purpose
Contact details

2315 SE Lincoln St Portland, OR 97214 (971) 409-2064

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